Fuel Saving over 20 years:£195,593
RHI Payment over 20 years:£621,415
Colchester zoo has a dedication to the environment and conservation, so it was an obvious choice to convert to using biomass, as it would solve both high fuel bills and create a carbon neutral heat solution. The premises is a large Victorian period building and required a significant heat load with an efficient calorific fuel source, therefore a pellet boiler was chosen for the project.
A Greener Alternative fitted a 200kW wood pellet boiler to provide hot water and heating to the main building. As you can see from the photo’s access was difficult, but not an impossible task with the use of a crane.
The boiler, hopper and buffer tanks are situated in a container unit turned energy centre. The installation also has a steel framed external 7 ton pellet store. The system is fully automated and pellets are blown delivered.