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RHI Explained

The Renewable Heat Incentive


The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is a government backed scheme designed to encourage the uptake of renewable heat technologies through the provision of financial incentives. These incentives are designed to cover some, if not all of the cost of the installation.

RHI enables owners of eligible heat pump, biomass or solar thermal systems to claim cash back on every unit (kWh) of heat they use.

There are two types of incentive available domestic and non-domestic.Â

If you would like to understand more about how The Renewable Heat incentive works please contact us and speak to one of the team who will be happy to explain the scheme in more detail.


Domestic RHI

The domestic RHI allows owners of single dwellings to claim money back quarterly, over a seven-year period and is calculated through an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) assessment, which estimates the kilowatts (kW) required to heat the property over a year.

We can arrange for an EPC to be carried out at your property following an initial site survey which we will carry out for free. We can then work with you to get your RHI application submitted and help guide you through the process step by step.

Non-Domestic RHI

The non-domestic RHI pays back quarterly, over a twenty-year period on a meter-based system which calculates the amount of renewable heat generated by your appliance. The scheme is aimed at industrial, commercial, public sector, district heating systems and community organisations.

We offer an added service to complete your RHI application for you, taking any stress out of the process.


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To enquire about servicing your system please call us on 01273455695 or email us at
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